
School Manager c/o School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA


Teesmouth Field Centre

Generating Geologists

Teesmouth Field Centre was awarding funding by the CSI in 2022 for the project ‘Generating Geologists 2022’. All the groups followed the planned programme – initial presentation, outdoor fieldwork at the Teesmouth National Nature Reserve and teamwork to complete simple experiments to investigate the properties of 4 rock samples. The idea of fair testing was introduced and the need to record positive and negative results. The programme for the day is based on the National Curriculum KS 2 Science.

Project Impact:

Ten Y3/Y4 classes from Tees Valley Primary Schools, took part in the Rocks and Fossils study option. A total of 270 pupils and 39 accompanying adults benefitted from the CSI funding, as the usual £2 entry charge per pupil was covered.  This learning opportunity is valued by teachers as recorded on the Evaluation Forms.

  • Some of the benefits of the project are listed here:
  • Outdoor learning experience.  
  • Direct observation of rocks on the shore – how did they get there?    
  • Handling rock samples and thinking about their properties helps pupils to secure their learning
  • Co-operation by working in teams to carry out the experiments.
  • Learning to handle apparatus with confidence.  
  • Wearing safety glasses is noted as a sign of being a scientist.

Rocks and Fossils

The study of Rocks and Fossils is a topic for children in Years 3 and 4 and many class teachers lack the knowledge and resources to teach it. This visit to Teesmouth Field Centre will bring the subject of rocks and fossils to life for primary school children, learning to identify local rocks, thinking about the properties of different rocks and how they are used in everyday life. They will put their identification skills into action by visiting North Gare beach and finding local rock samples, using them to create art pieces on the beach and building volcanoes to facilitate discussion about igneous rock formation. In the afternoon session, applying fair testing methods to experiment on four rock samples, working towards answering the question “why is granite a good choice for use as a kitchen worktop?”

The CSI will part fund the project.  Funding is also provided by EDF.

Project Impact: Project first funded for 2024-5

Recipient Website:  Teesmouth Field Centre welcoming school groups since 1970

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